"The importance of Body Posture and Breathing in Singing"
"Introduction to the mechanisms of inhalation, support, attack and emission
for a healthy and effective use of the voice".
Dictated by the Singer and Vocal Coach Luciana Roffo
Sponsored and Certified by the University of Comahue
Saturday, May 21 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Main Hall
from the University of Comahue
About this Course/ Workshop
Because I deeply believe that all change begins with a change of mentality, my main objective is to sow a seed of awareness about the importance of body posture and breathing when singing or speaking, which invites you to reflect, become aware and question yourself. about some of the concepts that concern your own posture, breathing and phonation. (I want to know more!)

Organization of the Course/Workshop
This Course/Workshop consists of two parts: a first theoretical part dedicated to all attendees in which I will explain important concepts inherent to Posture and Breathing, and a second practical part in which I will work with each active participant. Listeners will also witness this work.
Who is it addressed to?
This Course/Workshop is aimed at singing students, professional and amateur singers with singing experience and people who use the voice professionally interested in improving their performance and vocal quality, their interpretation and musicality.
You can participate as both Active and Listener...
ACTIVE: the vocal work sessions are personal and will last 20-30 min. In addition, if the Course/Workshop is extended to a second day, you will have access as a listener at no extra cost. CONDITIONS .
LISTENER: you can attend a whole day of Course/Workshop, ask me any questions and learn from the work carried out with each participant, thus taking advantage of a large amount of Valuable information on Vocal Technique and Breathing that will be revealed throughout the workshop.
Costs per participant
Active: $5,000
(obtaining the benefit of participating as listeners during the 2nd day of the Workshop at no extra cost ). CONDITIONS
Listeners : $2,000 for one day/ $3,500 for two
Method of payment: Ask for
The payment of the fee will be essential to reserve a place as Active or Listener and must be made within a maximum period of 72 hours prior to the start of the Workshop.
Main Hall
from the University of Comahue
Buenos Aires 1400 - 8300 Neuquen
About this Course/ Workshop
Because I deeply believe that all change begins with a change of mentality , my main objective is to sow a seed of awareness about the importance of body posture and breathing when singing or speaking, which invites you to reflect, become aware and question yourself. about some of the concepts that concern your own body posture, breathing and phonation.
Singers, both lyrical and popular, and people who use their voice professionally must achieve absolute mastery of the air and of their body as the instrument itself . Without sufficient knowledge and without a solid foundation in everything related to breathing and posture, it is impossible to achieve a healthy and high quality sound and emission.
In fact, a poor management of breathing inevitably becomes, over time, a deterioration of the vocal organ and a reduction in vocal quality and health.
Since breathing in singing is one of the topics that has been most neglected and underestimated in recent decades - to the point that there is less and less knowledge on the subject - it is for me, and it was for singers of the past, probably the most important aspect when it comes to achieving an efficient and healthy use of the voice.
I consider it vitally important that you know the general laws that govern healthy, stable, solid and optimal vocal functioning, so I will teach you how to assemble your vocal instrument properly and I will guide you in what is inherent to body posture and the proper handling and control of the breathing mechanisms (inhalation, support, attack, emission, support and projection of sound) as a fundamental basis for an efficient and healthy emission.
Through certain applied exercises you will be able to experience improvements in your sound and in the freedom of your larynx during the broadcast.
I will also answer your questions and clarify and explain terms such as support, chest, middle and head registers, falsetto, passagio , etc.
I'll wait for you!